Back To School

Happy back-to-school, friends! Can you believe summer is over? We're still in denial. 😉 But whether we want to accept it or not, fall is just around the corner... It's time for routines and bus stops, homework sessions and early bedtimes.

Back-to-school is in full swing in Liberia, too! There are 60 kids at Christ Our Hope who need school supplies for the new year. They need: books, shoes, a book bag, and two uniforms. The whole bundle costs $46.00 USD--a fraction of what most American families will spend outfitting their kids for school. Want to help? Your donation will provide a child at Christ Our Hope with everything he or she needs for the new school year. Just follow the link below to learn how!

#spendyourself #onebodyonehope #bettertogether #backtoschool